Leadership Happens!
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Is This Your
Time after time in meetings my voice
is not heard. Job promotions slip by me. I
I have a lot to give to the world, but
I am stagnating. I have a sense of destiny
and want to lead, but my vision is muddled. I can’t
break the barriers holding me back.
need a safe space to focus, raise my
self-awareness and confidence, and take
ownership of my future. I want a
rewarding and balanced life so I can
rejoice in having fulfilled my leadership potential in creating a sounder and safer
workplace and world.
We help women leverage their talent by helping them to:
Be better leaders and organizational visionaries
Transform behaviors to seize leadership opportunities
Inspire, influence, guide and motivate others
Build confidence and career clarity
Create a balanced and purposeful life
The Monarch Center helps women like you to
realize their dreams, have a balanced life
and fulfill their leadership potential.
Contact Dr. Merida Johns by email or phone
and explore how we can be of service to you.
Click Here
for Coaching, Telecourse, and other offerings.
seminal event in 2009 was the tipping point when I said
“Enough!” and founded The Monarch Center (TMC). Over
the course of four decades working in academia and
executive positions, I observed competent women
overlooked for executive promotion and their voices
ignored in meetings, their ideas hijacked or disregarded
and outmoded stereotypes applied to their leadership
capabilities. I saw women putting in long work hours,
yet not getting credit or receiving equal pay for their
substantial contributions.
I know that smart companies having the best records for
promoting women outstrip their competition on on every
measure of profitability. So why are women held back?
A cluster of barriers stop women in their tracks. Many
of these are within their power to reverse and I was
determined to help women with these: raising their
confidence, leveraging their personal strengths,
focusing their vision and taking ownership of their
future for a full, but balanced life.
I believe that by helping women help themselves, women
can fulfill their life, leadership and
economic potential. If you want me to help you in your
quest I'm just an email or phone call away. Let’s
explore leadership and wellbeing coaching and telecourse
options that may work for you. I look forward to
hearing from you.
I invite you
to join TMC's community and complimentary monthly Toast
to Leadership: Virtual Ladies Night Out. See
below for details.
A Toast to Leadership!
Monthly Ladies Night Out Complimentary Teleconferences
Find the leadership within and make a difference
Join women from all parts of the
globe the first Wednesday of each month for a
night out devoted to YOUR leadership journey.
discussion, exercises, reflections, and action based on
the book 52 Week Game Changer: How She Leads
and interviews with women executives and thought
Come for one or more teleconference......whatever fits
your schedule
First Wednesday each month from 7:15 - 8:15 PM Central
For Monthly Topics Click Here
Books Helping You to Change The
52-Week Game Changer: How She LEADS by Merida
Johns, PhD
Successful educator, consultant, business woman and
health information management professional, Merida
Johns’ belief in herself was like a magnet for opening
opportunities and attracting those who wanted to get on
her bandwagon. Her newest book, 52 Week Game
Changer: How She LEADS, is a 52-week coaching
companion that helps other women HIM professionals do
the same. Any woman who wants to inspire and lead
others, fulfill her leadership and economic potential
and Break the Glass ceiling must purchase and take up
the challenge in this 52-week game changer. $29.95

Organizations are seeking
professionals who can lead operational effectiveness and
efficiency in a complicated environment. They want
professionals who are committed to excellence, act
ethically, embrace change and can inspire and motivate
others to develop and use their talents in creating an
environment where people and organizations flourish.
Leadership Development for
Healthcare: A Pathway, Process, and Workbook helps
you leverage your strengths, generate personal change,
expand your personal awareness and guide you in
acquiring the characteristics and behaviors of
authentic, ethical, team, and visionary leadership.
Available at
https://my.ahima.org/store/product?id=64444 and
major online booksellers. |